I am thanking God today for lifting the fever from my sweet baby, Jacob. He ran one beginning Tuesday afternoon up until the middle of the night (Friday morning). I knew it was gone in the middle of the night b/c Tessa always wakes up between 2 - 4 a.m. to nurse and when I went into get her, Jacob was fast asleep and cool to the touch. This is the first fever between the two of them, so I feel blessed. Not sure what the bugger was trying to fight off, but hopefully its gone -although I am sure he wasnt disappointed with the grape flavored Tylenol he received every 4-6 hours! He is back to his happy self...
We have a pretty busy weekend planned and although the busyness doesnt usually allow for much needed housework and laundry to be done, I really like a full calendar. It is especially good for Caleb who always needs to be occupied!! Tonight we have the Diamondbacks game, tomorrow is Caleb's class at the Little Gym (which he loves), tomorrow night I am working a table at church and Sunday is a Happy Father's Day to be the best daddy in the world! We have a really cool car show at church and than we are headed to my sisters house for swimming and pizza. Should be eventful and fun :)
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