Friday, March 19, 2010

Bug, Bees & Flies

Yes, it's been 5 months...we have missed Halloween, Caleb's 4th birthday, Thanksgiving, our children-less trip to Denver, Christmas, Twins turn 2, Tessa potty training, in the process of buying a new house...but Facebook has become the new blog...what can I say?

So, this is too funny to pass up, so I thought I would write a little more than a 2-liner for FB. The twins are TERRIFIED of bugs! Now that the warmer weather is beginning to decend, the little critters of nature are showing their wriggly bodies and floundering faces. When either Tessa or Jacob see anything moving or buzzing around, they immediately scream "bee!" or "bug" or "fly" and run to us. Tessa especially is truly frightened and cries real tears of horror. (It is kinda funny, actually! Poor thing!!).

The other night, we had the fly swatter out as Brian was killing off those over-grown mosquitos that have invaded greater Phoenix. We decided to break the fear a little and give Jacob the swatter and see what he could "kill". I told him, "Go kill the bugs for Mommy." He actually got close enough to swat at them and he had fun!! Tessa, not so much - she preferred the comfort of Mommy's lap. Caleb jumped in and swatted some away, too. All three of my boys are my heroes!