Monday, July 28, 2008

A Weekend @ Del Mar

Thanks to Auntie B, we spent a wonderful weekend soaking up the sun in Del Mar, CA over the weekend. Caleb just LOVED the ocean ( I need to post some pics) and couldnt get enough of the sand and waves! He also had a blast at the pool and riding his beach cruiser bike down the big paved hill toward the condo where we stayed. One of the highlights of the trip was getting to spend some time alone with Brian after the kids went down. We had a late dinner one night and took a drive & had Starbucks the next night. It is really tough traveling with kids (especially infants), so having that time alone was priceless. We must have a travel bug this summer b/c we have been gone a lot and we have another trip planned next week that will go unmentioned for the time being.

The car ride home was hard - it usually is for some reason. Jacob screamed like someone was inflicting pain upon him, for over an hour NONSTOP! The poor kid just couldnt fall asleep on his own - he was so tired! I have come to the conclusion that he really doesnt like to be away from home. He doenst nap at all when we're gone and just isnt himself. So our next few trips will be interesting. It gets me really anxious and impatient and I dont like that about myself - but it is really hard to stay calm when the screaming is literally blood curdling!

All in all we are having a fabulous summer, despite the heat. The twins turned 6 mo. yesterday - this time it is going by fast! I look forward to them getting older, not being so needy and being able to play with Caleb, but I know I will look back see this "infant" time went by too quickly.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

On The Move!

I am happy and sad all at the same time! Happy because my little ones are making milestones, but sad that these are my last babies and I won't have this ever again! Last night Little Miss Tessa Jean Renee scooted on her butt/back, pushing with her legs clear across the living room. She was placed on the bobby by me and quickly & easily scooted backwards across the living room rug until she reached the tile. She would have kept going, but we stopped her before her tiny head hid the hard tile. She is such a wiggle-worm and soooo opposite of her bigger, super laxed twin. I just love to see her little personality come out in things like this! She is so adorable. It is also cool to witness things in second, and in my case, third children. Caleb was very determined and did everything early, but he never once attempted "the backward scoot"! I am also curious to know that she did this at 5 1/2 months old. My prediction is that she will sit-up, crawl and walk before Jacob - and rightly so! She was born one minute earlier; she'll accomplish everything first! (and that is totally her attitude so far...)

Monday, July 14, 2008

What I Miss, What I Know & Where I'm At

Oh, Paul was such a wise man:

"It is good for a man not to marry...I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs - how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world - how he can please his wife - and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world - how she can please her husband ((and kids), parentheses mine.). I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord." (His first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 7, verses 1 & 32-35).

In my immature, three and a half years of marriage (with three kids to boot), I am finding this passage that Paul wrote so many years ago to be not only true, but genius! I suppose Paul can write such a thing since he was once married (although that is up for debate among Bible scholars, and I am not going to pretend to be one of them - I just think it clarifies his ex-matrimony b/c he had such wisdom in knowing it is better to not be married. How could he make such a claim unless he had experienced both?).

My point here is that I miss the time I was able to spend with God when I was single, even married for that matter. I am so consumed every minute of every day with my precious kids, my sweet husband, household chores, grocery shopping, what to make for dinner, paying bills, DISCIPLINE, etc. that it leaves little or no time for catching up with my Savior. I am drained, tested and tired all the time. But would I change anything about my life? No way! I know and believe that my life has taken shape this way b/c of God's amazing blessing on me. And if you know me, you know that being a wife and mother is what I have always wanted. Paul said it right too when he wrote "...It is good for them (people) to stay unmarried as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion." (1 Cor. 7:8-9). AMEN! I couldnt wait to be Mrs. Brian Peterson and put my hands all over him! :)

I have read these verses so many times in the past as a single person, and just thought I fell into the "burn with passion" category and would definitely be married someday. Meanwhile, I just kept loving and growing in Christ. Today as I sit here writing this, I really miss just being a child of God. Instead of babies crying for me, I just want to cry out to God. Rather than pleasing my husband, I want to please God. The responsibilities of being a wife and mother are taxing to say the least.

Here is what I am thankful for: Getting married at 25, so I had so many great years of just being "married" to Jesus. Having a husband who goes to God on behalf of me, our kids, our family and loves him, wants to know him more, reads his word, spends time in prayer and acts as Christian in his day to day. A husband who loves and adores me as Christ loves the Church. The blessing of meeting Brian, falling love and realizing I didnt want to live this life on earth without him. The blessing of getting pregnant and having three healthy, beautiful babies. The promise that this life is not the end, but that eternity in heaven awaits me :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Poopy Weekend!

I will have to post some pics after I get them uploaded for this entry b/c the 4th of July weekend was so eventful! We went to my Nana and Papas cabin in Show Low and just had a blast. The weather was perfect and the activities were plentiful. It was so sweet watching Caleb enjoy things and do things for the first time. Brian and I were saying that one of the greatest joys of being a parent is watching your child do something for the first time and also witnessing them get over their fears of things in this world.

He had such a great time! He played outside all weekend, including driving his very first race car (with Daddy & Grandpa really driving) and riding on a horse! He raced popsicle stick boats down a creek with his cousin Bella and flew a Spiderman kite in the rain. It was such a retreat! (and the help we received with all three kids from family was priceless!).

So, the "poopy weekend" title, you may be wondering? Well, the highlight of the whole weekend was when we returned from our trip and Caleb went poop in the potty chair for the first time! It was so cute - Brian went in there with him with a really positive attitude (even though every other time, the attempts have failed). He first had Caleb spray some air freshener, then he plopped down on the seat while Brian began reading him a book about diggers, fire engines and roaring rockets. The next thing you know, the bathroom filled with the sweet aroma of poop and we were so thrilled! That's our boy! He was proud, but only b/c Brian and I were so proud. he really acted like he had been doing it all this time :) We'll see what's to come - I know it will be baby steps.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I Slept With a Vacuum Cleaner Attachment Last Night

Seriously. I woke up to find the thing nicely nestled between my legs. All I can assume is that my precious, mischievous Caleb had something to do with it! And at the end of the day, I always collapse into bed out of an insane amount of fatigue, so needless to say, I wasnt exactly looking for any sort of suction device to land under my covers.

So, I just have to post this picture of Caleb. Last week he found a pair of Tessa's pants (size 0 - 3 months) and decided it would be a good idea to wear them. I cant believe they actually fit (kind of) and werent skin tight! Too funny!

Looking forward to the weekend! Every 4th of July we stay with my Nana and Papa at their Cabin in Show Low to escape this horrific heat and enjoy the holiday with good smellin' pine trees and family! Caleb always has a blast b/c he gets to play outside! (not something he can do this time of year in Phx, and today the high will be 112!).

Okay, back to work and one of the babies needs to nurse...