Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Poopy Weekend!

I will have to post some pics after I get them uploaded for this entry b/c the 4th of July weekend was so eventful! We went to my Nana and Papas cabin in Show Low and just had a blast. The weather was perfect and the activities were plentiful. It was so sweet watching Caleb enjoy things and do things for the first time. Brian and I were saying that one of the greatest joys of being a parent is watching your child do something for the first time and also witnessing them get over their fears of things in this world.

He had such a great time! He played outside all weekend, including driving his very first race car (with Daddy & Grandpa really driving) and riding on a horse! He raced popsicle stick boats down a creek with his cousin Bella and flew a Spiderman kite in the rain. It was such a retreat! (and the help we received with all three kids from family was priceless!).

So, the "poopy weekend" title, you may be wondering? Well, the highlight of the whole weekend was when we returned from our trip and Caleb went poop in the potty chair for the first time! It was so cute - Brian went in there with him with a really positive attitude (even though every other time, the attempts have failed). He first had Caleb spray some air freshener, then he plopped down on the seat while Brian began reading him a book about diggers, fire engines and roaring rockets. The next thing you know, the bathroom filled with the sweet aroma of poop and we were so thrilled! That's our boy! He was proud, but only b/c Brian and I were so proud. he really acted like he had been doing it all this time :) We'll see what's to come - I know it will be baby steps.

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