Monday, December 1, 2008
BIG Decision to Make
When Caleb was a baby these thoughts never came close to entering my mind. I would take him to the doctor to be weighed, measured and given his shots...because that is just what you do. I really never even thought that I was doing something healthy or good for him, I simply just thought is was the law or something. When the twins came along, it was all the same thing. They have been vaccinated through 6 months and Caleb's last vaccination was at 18 months. But even still with that, the twins have so far each received 14 shots and Caleb, 23.
Seeing those numbers written stirs up a lot of anger inside. I cringe every time I think about the injections I decided to give my children. Knowing all the dangers that these shots pose, I feel it is far more safe to suspend them indefinitely, rather than schedule them and face the unknown of what could happen. The main potential diagnosis being autism. The other factor is the lack of effectiveness.
As the days have passed since I first made the decision along with Brian, I have only felt stronger and stronger about our decision to halt the vaccines. There are just too many unknowns about the dangers of them and I will not have my kids be experimental guinea pigs just because they happen to be born into this generation that still does not know what is causing the increase in autism and tons of other childhood diseases for that matter.
As parents, we go the extra mile to buy organic food, breastfeed and buy the safest car seats for our kids, (because we have done those positive studies & research) yet we turn around and inject them with brain injuring needles that can harm them for the rest of their lives. We just have to be more aware and ask questions about why we do what we do! DO THE RESEARCH - it is there!
I really believe our diets have much to do with the increase in cancer, arthritis, Parkinson's, etc. but I will save those thoughts for another post. I know this is a controversial issue and some may not agree with it, but for my family this is our choice. We are living in a world that is sicker than it has ever been - a world that is falling apart in so many ways and this is one of the ways I feel I can protect my kids - as "oxymoronish" as that sounds.
God placed it on my heart to continue the research I have done and I believe 100% that He is protecting my kids from something horrible. I understand that tomorrow is always full of the unknown, but as I continue to trust in God, I know that he is doing his will and his best for our family.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wanna Talk?
We have the cribs in the twins' room situated across from each other on opposite walls. It is the only way all the furniture would fit into that tiny 10 x11 room anyway. This morning as usual, I heard commotion coming from the nursery with Tessa's voice (cry) resonating the loudest - BIG SURPRISE! :) I walk in to find both babies standing up, holding onto the crib rail, looking and "talking" to each other! It was priceless! Tessa was moaning at Jacob as if to say, "Can you please get me out of here?" And sweet Jacob stood there, smiling through his pacifier at her, probably wondering when she might calm down.
When they both saw me come through the door, Tessa cried louder and Jacob smiled wider. I have very different personalities on my hands. Next time I will grab the camera and post a picture. They are so precious!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thank You For The Ranch

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Creepin' & Crawlin'
The poor bugger has literally been on hands and knees since the end of September with no luck. He has gone backwards, scooted, collapsed, rocked and rolled, and he was finally victorious on Friday, November 7th - the day after Caleb's 3rd birthday. He was slow going, but was definitely in the right direction, now, just 10 or so days later he is, of course, all over the house! It is fun to watch him go. His favorite thing is to move toward a piece of furniture, hoping to pull himself up and in the last day he has been successful. Brian had to lower his crib b/c he is pulling himself up to stand. He just loves the independence - you can see it in his smile.
Now Tessa...I still am trying to figure her out. She can be the more outgoing twin, but on the flip side she can be passive and quiet. She usually lets Jacob pulls toys away from her without much of a fight. In the last week she has managed to go from an "on all fours" position to sitting up. I am so proud of her b/c that takes a lot of strength....but this is now deferring her from crawling b/c if she gets on her hands and knees, she immediately sits up on her little booty!
The exciting thing that happened last night was that she kind of crawled, but it looked like a motion that Gollum from Lord of the Rings would do. We set out Brian's keys quite a ways away from her and she motioned forward, got into a splits position (the legs in a V one) and kind of scooted herself to the keys. She made it - in a very interesting fashion, but she made it! Caleb never did get the "traditional" crawl down. He always had one knee down and one foot down - to each his or her own.
In other milestones, Caleb now spells his name if asked. It is hilarious, don't know where the .com came from, but kids are funny - they just do and say silly things. Jacob began clapping his hands over the last 4-5 days and you can tell how proud of himself he is! Tessa is now beginning to pull herself up to stand. She did it today in her crib at preschool, so tonight we will need to lower her crib more than Brian did over the weekend. She is so tiny and to see her stand and pull up is just crazy. I imagine in the next week my Angelic Angelfish will become Crawly Crabs. Oh, and Caleb just graduated to the 3 year old class, Salty Seals.
Friday, November 7, 2008
He's 3!

It is amazing how much is learned and how much he has grown in three short years. He says and recognizes letters (not all of them yet), can count to 20 with ease, knows all of his shapes and colors, recites books, speaks very articulately, draws circles and the letter C while attempting others, dresses himself, is potty trained other than a Pull Up at night, and gives love and affection to his younger siblings. He has also memorized four different Bible verses: 2 Timothy 4:7, Genesis 1:1, Proverbs 3:5 & Isaiah 41:10. He is really becoming quite a young man.
Thanks be to God who handpicked Caleb to be my son. It has not been easy, but it has been the greatest adventure of my life. I sincerely look forward to all his years to come, seeking God's wisdom, strength and patience to show Caleb what this life is all about - Jesus!
Thanks to my good friend Carrie Fay for capturing this shot of Caleb in our kitchen just two weeks before his third birthday. In this photo I see quite a young man. I see the gentle and sweet husband of a wonderful wife. I see a dad so much like his own, who loves his kids more than life. I see a man in love with Jesus.
P.S. Update from the previous post: Battery was never recovered, but the x-ray confirmed that it is somewhere in the El Mirage sewer system.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
You've Got To Be Kidding, Right?

Monday, October 27, 2008
98! 98! 98!
I can hear the chanting of the numbers still in my head as all four classes collaborated in the high school gymnasium for the latest pep rally, each class supporting their graduating year. (The chanting of 98! was always the loudest). In high school I was full of school spirit and an insane amount of hormones. My memories are lovely - great friends, cool teachers, fun dances, honor roll, NHS, Softball, Algebra & French class and of course Tyler Mehlhorn. The love of my then life. My home life was another story, so school and friends were surely my positive escape.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008

We praise God in the good times and bad and we lift up our requests to him daily. Thank you, Jesus for knowing every detail of who we are. Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering the deepest cries of our souls. Thank you for the gift of children (you yourself were and are the greatest child born of God that the world will ever know). We can only know love because you first loved us. And Father, only you can truly understand what it means to love a child.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Addison Road's "Hope Now"
When my life is like a storm...rising waters, all I want is the shore. You'll say I'll be okay, can make it through the rain. You are my shelter from the storm. Everything rides on hope now. Everything rides on faith somehow. When the world has broken me down, Your love sets me free.
I am not my own, I've been carried by You all my life. Everything rides on hope now. Everything rides on faith somehow. So when the world has broken me down, yeah, Your love sets me free.
Youve become my heart's desire. I will sing Your praises higher. Cause Your love sets me free. Your love sets me free. Your love sets me free.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Where in the World Are the Petersons?
In this world that is so evidently falling apart (as the Bible predicts) we live in peace, knowing that God is in control, believing that he knows all about it - he predicted it through different prophets in the Bible.
If one day we are gone along with millions of others, we have gone to heaven to be with Jesus, as the Bible says. The reason we are gone is because we gave our hearts to Christ and believed he was and is the savior of the world.
If you will believe in Jesus now and give your whole life to him, you can avoid the wrath of God in the End Times when all the Christians have disppeared. This life is not about us - not about getting married, having kids, having stuff, or being happy, but about serving the one true God of the universe.
Preaching out...
Monday, September 22, 2008
This is a Jam!
We were driving down the road and there was a song on the radio I didnt care for, so I turned the station to the familiar one we usually listen to (KLOVE, 105.5 FM). The song on that station was the new one by Toby Mac featuring Kirk Franklin and Mandesa - kind of a fast, rapping song.
Caleb: Mommy! I want to praise God!
Me: Yes, honey, me too! We are praising God.
Caleb: This song is not God! This song is not Jesus!
Me: Yes, it is honey, listen to the words.
Caleb: No, Mommy! This is a jam!
Me: (Laughing inside so hard - oh he is so precious!) Well, Caleb, we are jamming for Jesus!
Caleb: (Begins to bop his head up and down to the music)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pink Eye, Fever, Pink Eye, Sore Throat, Pink Eye & Pink Eye
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Danny's Song (For My Mom & My Dad)
Think I'm gonna have a son.
He will be like she and me, as free as a dove, conceived in love,
Sun is gonna shine above.
Seems as though a month ago I beta chi, never got high,
Oh, I was a sorry guy.
And now a smile, a face, a girl that shares my name,
Now I'm through with the game, this boy will never be the same.
Pisces, Virgo rising is a very good sign, strong and kind,
And the little boy is mine.
Now I see a family where there once was none, now we've just begun,
Yeah, we're gonna fly to the sun.
Love the girl who holds the world in a paper cup, drink it up,
Love her and she'll bring you luck.
And if you find she helps your mind, buddy, take her home,
Don't you live alone, try to earn what lovers own.
And even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with ya honey,
And everything will bring a chain of love.
And in the morning when I rise, you bring a tear of joy to my eyes,
And tell me everything is gonna be alright.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
On The Mend
Nothing too new happening right now. The twins are sitting up without support and doing lots of babbling. Brian got Caleb a cheap set of plastic hockey sticks and rubber balls from Toys R Us since hockey is his new little obesssion after watching The Mighty Ducks 100 times over! (Sigh), But his defiant little nature has not subsided...only getting worse. "Caleb's poor attitude must decrease or the spankings will increase" own little version of John 3:30. Nonetheless, I love my kiddos and we are all blessed today and my household is in love with the Lord!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Inadequate at Best
It can really get the best of me - and sad to say, it usually does. I so desire to be this "supermom" - to have time AND energy for everything, but when I look at the messy kitchen floor or the piles of dirty laundry or Caleb whining for his sippy cup of chocolate soy milk or the twins screaming for yet one more thing that they have to scream for b/c they cant talk - I just lose it! I am not even close to a supermom - I am inadequate at best. I have never been to known to have a temper, but I find myself yelling at Caleb more than ever, raising my voice to Tessa and Jacob, desiring an answer as to why they are crying this time! And all for what? What does that solve - where does that get me? It only upsets the three tiny little hearts I give nourishment, time and love to. I need so much help in the area of patience.
I hate that my break for the day is work, but it is. I miss my kids and hubby all day, but when the late afternoon comes and we all get home, all hell breaks loose b/c someone needs attention, someone needs a bottle, everyone is hungry, someone needs to pick up, a phone call needs to be made, someone needs a snack, etc. I have this ideal of what I want my day to look like when I get home from work, but it never quite translates correctly!
I guess this is what life is all about and you take those special moments and cherish them b/c one day I suppose I will miss the demands of little hands, when they are no longer under my roof. When I can no longer feed their mouths or clothe their bottoms or wash their hands or calm their tempers. Thank you Lord for this season in my life - the season when you have made me a mommy. Thank for you the moments when I feel inadequate - I know then that I need your strength, peace and patience to push me along.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I Need to Jam to the Music!
I quickly turned the volume back up and I see his large head "jamming" to the beat of Mercy Me in my rear view mirror! What a precious moment. He always has loved his music. In fact, he insisted on watching one of his Bluegrass DVDs this morning. But he had to find just the right one. He said, "Mommy, I want to watch Vince Gill." I love my little music monster!! :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Funny Bugs & Princesses
So this morning, I am in my usual "running late" mode trying to get three kids ready for preschool and myself ready for work. Caleb has been waking up at 5:30 a.m. for months now so trying to keep him occupied for 2.5 hours in the morning is a challenge. One of the last things I had to do this morning before walking out the door was put on some bottoms! Caleb walked in my room and was really getting ancy so I put him on the task of finding mommy some pants. After a few choices that were not even close to matching the shirt I had on (bless his heart), I picked out a white skirt and said "what about this?" He saw this skirt, and said "Mommy, you look like a princess!" My heart just melted! I have the sweetest little Peety in the world!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The plane rides there are back were interesting. Brian and I each with a twin on our laps and a Caleb in the middle! I definitely saw the inside of the airplane bathroom more on this trip than I have in my entire life as a flyer. I think towards the end Caleb realized that if he told me he had to go pee pee, it allowed him out of his seat and ability to run the aisles - smart little beast he is! Apparently even The Sandlot loses its appeal on the portable DVD player after 20th time or so....
Poor little bugger (Jacob) got Roseola on the trip. He broke out in a high fever for a few days and we all thought he was just teething until the hundreds of tiny pink bumps appeared all over his trunk. I had heard about this from my sister a few years back, but called my ped. to give her the symptoms just to make sure and sure enough, she confirmed my suspicion. There is nothing you can do as it is a virus, but I really felt bad for the little guy b/c he has been extra fussy the last 4-5 days. As I mentioned in a previous post, he just doesnt like to be away from home. This is our last trip for a while! Traveling with infants is NOT EASY!
I am so glad I have in-laws I adore. I had a such a great time and they all loved seeing their grandkids, niece & nephews. I hope can get back there one more time before the twins turn two - still fly for free under two!
Monday, July 28, 2008
A Weekend @ Del Mar
Thanks to Auntie B, we spent a wonderful weekend soaking up the sun in Del Mar, CA over the weekend. Caleb just LOVED the ocean ( I need to post some pics) and couldnt get enough of the sand and waves! He also had a blast at the pool and riding his beach cruiser bike down the big paved hill toward the condo where we stayed. One of the highlights of the trip was getting to spend some time alone with Brian after the kids went down. We had a late dinner one night and took a drive & had Starbucks the next night. It is really tough traveling with kids (especially infants), so having that time alone was priceless. We must have a travel bug this summer b/c we have been gone a lot and we have another trip planned next week that will go unmentioned for the time being.
The car ride home was hard - it usually is for some reason. Jacob screamed like someone was inflicting pain upon him, for over an hour NONSTOP! The poor kid just couldnt fall asleep on his own - he was so tired! I have come to the conclusion that he really doesnt like to be away from home. He doenst nap at all when we're gone and just isnt himself. So our next few trips will be interesting. It gets me really anxious and impatient and I dont like that about myself - but it is really hard to stay calm when the screaming is literally blood curdling!
All in all we are having a fabulous summer, despite the heat. The twins turned 6 mo. yesterday - this time it is going by fast! I look forward to them getting older, not being so needy and being able to play with Caleb, but I know I will look back see this "infant" time went by too quickly.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
On The Move!
Monday, July 14, 2008
What I Miss, What I Know & Where I'm At
"It is good for a man not to marry...I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs - how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world - how he can please his wife - and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world - how she can please her husband ((and kids), parentheses mine.). I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord." (His first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 7, verses 1 & 32-35).
In my immature, three and a half years of marriage (with three kids to boot), I am finding this passage that Paul wrote so many years ago to be not only true, but genius! I suppose Paul can write such a thing since he was once married (although that is up for debate among Bible scholars, and I am not going to pretend to be one of them - I just think it clarifies his ex-matrimony b/c he had such wisdom in knowing it is better to not be married. How could he make such a claim unless he had experienced both?).
My point here is that I miss the time I was able to spend with God when I was single, even married for that matter. I am so consumed every minute of every day with my precious kids, my sweet husband, household chores, grocery shopping, what to make for dinner, paying bills, DISCIPLINE, etc. that it leaves little or no time for catching up with my Savior. I am drained, tested and tired all the time. But would I change anything about my life? No way! I know and believe that my life has taken shape this way b/c of God's amazing blessing on me. And if you know me, you know that being a wife and mother is what I have always wanted. Paul said it right too when he wrote "...It is good for them (people) to stay unmarried as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion." (1 Cor. 7:8-9). AMEN! I couldnt wait to be Mrs. Brian Peterson and put my hands all over him! :)
I have read these verses so many times in the past as a single person, and just thought I fell into the "burn with passion" category and would definitely be married someday. Meanwhile, I just kept loving and growing in Christ. Today as I sit here writing this, I really miss just being a child of God. Instead of babies crying for me, I just want to cry out to God. Rather than pleasing my husband, I want to please God. The responsibilities of being a wife and mother are taxing to say the least.
Here is what I am thankful for: Getting married at 25, so I had so many great years of just being "married" to Jesus. Having a husband who goes to God on behalf of me, our kids, our family and loves him, wants to know him more, reads his word, spends time in prayer and acts as Christian in his day to day. A husband who loves and adores me as Christ loves the Church. The blessing of meeting Brian, falling love and realizing I didnt want to live this life on earth without him. The blessing of getting pregnant and having three healthy, beautiful babies. The promise that this life is not the end, but that eternity in heaven awaits me :)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A Poopy Weekend!
So, the "poopy weekend" title, you may be wondering? Well, the highlight of the whole weekend was when we returned from our trip and Caleb went poop in the potty chair for the first time! It was so cute - Brian went in there with him with a really positive attitude (even though every other time, the attempts have failed). He first had Caleb spray some air freshener, then he plopped down on the seat while Brian began reading him a book about diggers, fire engines and roaring rockets. The next thing you know, the bathroom filled with the sweet aroma of poop and we were so thrilled! That's our boy! He was proud, but only b/c Brian and I were so proud. he really acted like he had been doing it all this time :) We'll see what's to come - I know it will be baby steps.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I Slept With a Vacuum Cleaner Attachment Last Night

So, I just have to post this picture of Caleb. Last week he found a pair of Tessa's pants (size 0 - 3 months) and decided it would be a good idea to wear them. I cant believe they actually fit (kind of) and werent skin tight! Too funny!
Looking forward to the weekend! Every 4th of July we stay with my Nana and Papa at their Cabin in Show Low to escape this horrific heat and enjoy the holiday with good smellin' pine trees and family! Caleb always has a blast b/c he gets to play outside! (not something he can do this time of year in Phx, and today the high will be 112!).
Okay, back to work and one of the babies needs to nurse...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
9 hours
Monday, June 23, 2008
Worth It
He is on the verge of out of control...and he is two!! He doesnt listen, talks back, throws everything, hits me, kicks me, demands things...the list really just goes on and on. The thing that is so incomprehensible is that Brian and I ARE parents who follow through. He is disciplined every time he does something that calls for it. (which happens too many times daily to count). He just doesnt care! How did this happen? I definitely did not sign up for this! I think when you decide to have a baby you are wrapped up in planning the pregnancy, setting up the nursery, baby showers, baby smiles & giggles, etc. - not the extreme behavior issues you will encounter when your perfect little sweetie turns two and therefore turns into a little monster.
This morning's routine was all the same and b/c Caleb didnt want to put on his shoes and socks, he proceeded to kick me in the stomach and tell me "no!" Well, after his poor attitude and behavior all weekend, I had had enough and spanked him harder than I have ever spanked him before. (This is why my heart breaks!) I dont want to spank my child, but without it, I dont believe he will ever correct his temperament or behavior. Here are a few incredibly intelligent sentences from Dr. Dobson's book, The Strong Willed Child. I own the book, but I need it memorized....
"When that nose-to-nose confrontation occurs between generations, it is extremely important for the adult to display confidence and decisiveness. The child has made it clear that he’s looking for a fight, and his parents would be wise not to disappoint him! Nothing is more destructive to parental leadership than for a mother or father to equivocate during that struggle. When parents consistently lose those battles, resorting to tears and screaming and other signs of frustration, some dramatic changes take place in the way they are seen by their children. Instead of being secure and confident leaders, they become spineless jellyfish who are unworthy of respect or allegiance."
Brian and I really like to explain things to Caleb in a semi-adult manner b/c he is so darn smart and we know he understands us. We tell him that God put mommy and daddy in charge of him and God is in charge of mommy and daddy. And when Caleb obeys mommy and daddy, he is obeying God - and that makes God smile. Caleb really has such a huge heart and I realize this is a season, a test and trial for me to grow as a mom and as a person. But sometimes I really feel like I just cant do it. I am being pushed to the max by a tiny little person who I love more than I could ever explain. Just like God's mercies are new every day with us, my mercies with Caleb are new every morning too! I need God's patience and love as I continue on this path of parenthood. So far it is getting harder, but as the cliche says "Nothing in life that is worth it, is easy." I really believe that.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Baby Boom!

Look at that coy, flirty smile on my "oh so innocent" daughter! What a heartbreaker - she already has her daddy and grandpa wrapped around her finger! :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Grace for a 2 Year Old
We were at my sister's house yesterday for Father's Day and overall had a great time. Caleb was playing with his 5 year old cousin Bella pretty much the whole time and loving it. They are both strong-willed children with an innate tendency to lead, so watching and listening to them play is pretty funny when they both want to tell each other how it should be - Caleb usually concedes to Bella b/c she is the stronger leader being older, wiser (and the simple fact that he looks up to her). Anyway, for a moment last night I saw how much little ones can pick up on tones, moods and weaknesses. Bella was sitting on her knees on the floor b/c her dad was giving her instruction about something (I dont recall what). It wasnt really even discipline, just a "Bella, you need to listen about...such and such." In that moment, Caleb picked up on the fact that for once he wasnt receiving instruction, so in that moment when he felt strong (and she was vulnerable to her dad's tone), Caleb ran over and kicked her right in the head!
I was floored! The act was sinful and cruel - I saw it in his eyes and knew it in his spirit. Naturally, I talked to him, spanked him and made him apologize, but later I talked with Brian and really realized what had happened. Caleb (literally )kicked her while she was down, to build himself up! In his two year old mind, he felt on top of the world b/c he saw his cousin being talked to and had to show off his pride that he wasnt. Maybe I am over analyzing some playful fun between cousins, but I dont think so. We all have selfish desires and an instinct to place ourselves first above others and at two years old, that is what my son did. I cant say I am any different - (have I ever kicked someone in the head to build myself up?). No, but, I identify so well with the heart and mind Caleb took on in that moment.
Paul writes this in his letter to the Galatians: "So I say live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want....But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control....Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires." (verses 16-17, 22-24)
Thank you Lord for the cross and for your everlasting grace upon my life. Help me live by the fruits of the Spirit when mothering my kids and living my life.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Fevers are no fun!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
We Just Cant Have Nice Things!
My husband Brian is totally into making fresh fruit smoothies every morning and therefore Caleb "needs" some too. So every morning, Daddy makes him a special cup of that morning's fruit flavor surprise. Well, you can see where this is going already...I had to take the top off his sippy cup this morning b/c Caleb told me "not workin' Mommy" (his way of saying the smoothie was too thick to come out). So, against my better judgement, I took the top off and told him to be extra careful as I watched his every move. A few minutes later I got up to pee and soon heard this screech coming from the living room. Caleb is totally destroyed, sitting next to his pile of fresh fruit smoothie all over my beautiful living room rug, saying "I pill, Mommy!" Yup - you sure did! I suppose it is my fault for letting him have the drink in the living room in the first place, but he cant see Finding Nemo or Cars from the kitchen table and those movies are my only sanity so I can at least take a shower every morning. "We just cant have nice things!" I swear we should buy stock in carpet cleaner!
I digress to the Bachelorette. So I totally have my hubby hooked! Now that American Idol and LOST are over for the season, this is something I can look forward to on Monday nights. So far we are loving the show and have our favorites for who she will choose (Graham or Jason), who is a total dork (Twilly) and who is way too pretentious (Jeremy). Gosh, when did I become such a TV junkie? I guess with three kids under the age of three we spend most nights at home. With summer beginning to pour over us I dont see that changing anytime soon. Ah, well...
Monday, June 9, 2008
First Day
I figure with three kids under the age of three, a full time job, and being a full time wife, I have a lot to download every day. (I hope the next time I visit this is not 6 months from now when I am having an emotional moment b/c its Christmas time). We'll see...