Thursday, October 30, 2008

You've Got To Be Kidding, Right?

Okay, so this entry is pretty serious, but apparently not as important as my High School Reunion, since that is what I unraveled first thing Monday morning...

Most of you are all aware of Caleb's personality - a dare devil at heart, throwing caution to the wind with no sense of danger or how a simple action he takes could have a detrimental effect on his little life...(I kinda love that about him, though!). But this past Sunday he really scared Mommy and Daddy and we landed ourselves in the E.R.

We were driving over to Auntie B's house on the 101 when Caleb says: "Where did it go?"
Brian: "Where did what go?"
Caleb: "The battery?" (He was holding a toy car that held three of those round batteries, much like you would find in a watch).
Brian: "Caleb, did you open your car and lose the battery?"
Caleb: "Where did it go?"
Brian: "Caleb, where is the battery?"
Caleb: (Just slowly points to his mouth)
Me: (Begin dialing Poison Control)
Brian: "Caleb, did you swallow the battery?"
Caleb: "Yes."

So, we pull over off the freeway and Brian begins to search the car for all three batteries, hoping that Caleb just said he swallowed it - but didnt. Unfortunately, only two of the three batteries are recovered. In the meantime, Poison Control is telling us we need to go to E.R. to get an X-Ray to make sure the battery is going down the right path, and not getting stuck somewhere.

We roll into Arrowhead hospital and luckily we were in and out in just over an hour. The X-Ray definitely confirmed the truth Caleb was telling us.

I am kinda just having fun with this now, knowing that he is okay. My first thought was he was going to have some toxic level of battery acid spill inside him and that is why I called poison control - not true. Their main concern is that he passes it. Well, let me just tell you how much fun the last few days of that has been - NOT FUN. But I suppose when you are a parent, you roll up your sleeve, put the plastic glove on your hand and search for the long lost battery that will eventually exit your 2 year old son's body. As of today, Thursday, he has not passed the sucker, so if he doesnt pass it by tomorrow, we will be going back into the E.R. for another X-Ray to "find" it. I guess there are a few spots in the large intestine where foreign objects that should have never entered the body in the first place can get stuck. So, I am really hoping it comes out tonight or tomorrow morning. I think I might resolve to offer him some mineral oil in his chocolate milk today...

Honestly, I am really surprised we didnt end up in the E.R. earlier than this with Caleb - but for sure I thought it would have been for some sort of broken bone. I am thankful he is okay and will write an update after the battery leaves his body in some way, shape or form.

Monday, October 27, 2008

98! 98! 98!

I can hear the chanting of the numbers still in my head as all four classes collaborated in the high school gymnasium for the latest pep rally, each class supporting their graduating year. (The chanting of 98! was always the loudest). In high school I was full of school spirit and an insane amount of hormones. My memories are lovely - great friends, cool teachers, fun dances, honor roll, NHS, Softball, Algebra & French class and of course Tyler Mehlhorn. The love of my then life. My home life was another story, so school and friends were surely my positive escape.

Over the weekend, I celebrated my 10 year high school reunion. For some reason I have been looking forward to this night for 10 years. I had a such a great high school experience and couldnt wait for this night to finally arrive. I still keep in touch with a few great friends and we all met up beforehand and went in together. The room was very empty when we first arrived, but quickly began to fill with familiar faces. I checked in and pinned the nametag above on my shorts - too funny! All in all there were about 100 people to show out of a class of 473 - yes I remember the number of graduates. I was proud of myself for making conversation with people I hadnt see in 10 years (although that really isnt a weakness of mine). I only sat down to eat my pre-fab taco meat Mexican dish (barf!) and mingled the rest of the time. Of course, most people huddled around the bar the entire night, but I was able to have some good conversations and laughed at recollections from a decade ago.

While we ate, our class president grabbed a mic and announced that there would be four awards given out: Person who lives the farthest from AZ, Person who has been married the longest, Person with the most children and Person who has changed the least. I won one of the awards, in a tie-breaker. There were several of us with three children, but since I was the blessed one to have twins, I got to take home the cheap, tacky blue ribbon button that is a walking advertisement for Great (I felt proud, though!).

All in all, it was a fun night. I am glad I went. Before the night arrived I resolved not to put anyones cell number in my phone or write down anyones email address. I am not one of those "oh, yeah, we should totally get together - I'll call you" people. The fact is, I am such a busy working wife and mom that I dont have time to even talk to the friends who are currently in my life. For the record, I didnt see much of that happening anyway, so others must feel the same. I will rate my night as an 8 out of 10 and look forward to the 20 year reunion.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This afternoon I witnessed something I didnt think any 8 month old could accomplish. My sweet tiny, less than 25 inch long Tessa managed to do the splits! It wasnt just the regular splits, legs in a "V" - I am talking Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader splits! She was sitting on the floor in her preschool class when some interesting toy caught her attention. She went to reach for it and decided to place one leg behind her while keeping the other leg straight. It was magnificent - almost like she was trying to show off for everyone in a gymnastics competition! I was so wishing I had my camera with to all of you reading this, just use your imagination. If I happen to catch her doing it again, I will try to get a picture.

Friday, October 3, 2008


King David rejoicing in God's strength, joy and eternal victory:

O Lord, the king rejoices in your strength. How great is his joy in the victories you give! You have granted him the desire of his heart and have not withheld the request of his lips. You welcomed him with rich blessings and placed a crown of pure gold on his head. He asked you for life, and you gave it to him - length of days forever and ever. Through the victories you gave, his glory is great; you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty. Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. For the king trusts in the Lord; through the unfailing love of the Most High, he will not be shaken.
- Psalm 21:1-7

I cant help but read these verses King David wrote so many years ago and get emotional about our 3 year old nephew, Zachary who is on his way home from the hospital after 10 days ago, having a very delicate and intense heart transplant surgery. He is doing fantastic and is proof that miracles still happen - maybe not like the miracles in Jesus' time with turning two fish and one loaf of bread into food for 5000, but still a huge miracle just the same.

We praise God in the good times and bad and we lift up our requests to him daily. Thank you, Jesus for knowing every detail of who we are. Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering the deepest cries of our souls. Thank you for the gift of children (you yourself were and are the greatest child born of God that the world will ever know). We can only know love because you first loved us. And Father, only you can truly understand what it means to love a child.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Addison Road's "Hope Now"

If everything comes down to love, then just what am I afraid of? When I call out Your name, something inside awakes in my quickly I forget I'm Yours. I am not my own, I've been carried by You, all my life. Everything rides on hope now. Everything rides on faith somehow. When the world has broken me down, Your love sets me free.

When my life is like a storm...rising waters, all I want is the shore. You'll say I'll be okay, can make it through the rain. You are my shelter from the storm. Everything rides on hope now. Everything rides on faith somehow. When the world has broken me down, Your love sets me free.

I am not my own, I've been carried by You all my life. Everything rides on hope now. Everything rides on faith somehow. So when the world has broken me down, yeah, Your love sets me free.

Youve become my heart's desire. I will sing Your praises higher. Cause Your love sets me free. Your love sets me free. Your love sets me free.