It is amazing how much is learned and how much he has grown in three short years. He says and recognizes letters (not all of them yet), can count to 20 with ease, knows all of his shapes and colors, recites books, speaks very articulately, draws circles and the letter C while attempting others, dresses himself, is potty trained other than a Pull Up at night, and gives love and affection to his younger siblings. He has also memorized four different Bible verses: 2 Timothy 4:7, Genesis 1:1, Proverbs 3:5 & Isaiah 41:10. He is really becoming quite a young man.
Thanks be to God who handpicked Caleb to be my son. It has not been easy, but it has been the greatest adventure of my life. I sincerely look forward to all his years to come, seeking God's wisdom, strength and patience to show Caleb what this life is all about - Jesus!
Thanks to my good friend Carrie Fay for capturing this shot of Caleb in our kitchen just two weeks before his third birthday. In this photo I see quite a young man. I see the gentle and sweet husband of a wonderful wife. I see a dad so much like his own, who loves his kids more than life. I see a man in love with Jesus.
P.S. Update from the previous post: Battery was never recovered, but the x-ray confirmed that it is somewhere in the El Mirage sewer system.
It's amazing what a mom can see in the face of her child... he is so lucky to have such an amazing momma! (And he is VERY handsome!)
What a big boy...I cannot believe that he is 3! You a truly a blessed Mama to have such a handsome little man...
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