The plane rides there are back were interesting. Brian and I each with a twin on our laps and a Caleb in the middle! I definitely saw the inside of the airplane bathroom more on this trip than I have in my entire life as a flyer. I think towards the end Caleb realized that if he told me he had to go pee pee, it allowed him out of his seat and ability to run the aisles - smart little beast he is! Apparently even The Sandlot loses its appeal on the portable DVD player after 20th time or so....
Poor little bugger (Jacob) got Roseola on the trip. He broke out in a high fever for a few days and we all thought he was just teething until the hundreds of tiny pink bumps appeared all over his trunk. I had heard about this from my sister a few years back, but called my ped. to give her the symptoms just to make sure and sure enough, she confirmed my suspicion. There is nothing you can do as it is a virus, but I really felt bad for the little guy b/c he has been extra fussy the last 4-5 days. As I mentioned in a previous post, he just doesnt like to be away from home. This is our last trip for a while! Traveling with infants is NOT EASY!
I am so glad I have in-laws I adore. I had a such a great time and they all loved seeing their grandkids, niece & nephews. I hope can get back there one more time before the twins turn two - still fly for free under two!
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