Thanks to Auntie B, we spent a wonderful weekend soaking up the sun in Del Mar, CA over the weekend. Caleb just LOVED the ocean ( I need to post some pics) and couldnt get enough of the sand and waves! He also had a blast at the pool and riding his beach cruiser bike down the big paved hill toward the condo where we stayed. One of the highlights of the trip was getting to spend some time alone with Brian after the kids went down. We had a late dinner one night and took a drive & had Starbucks the next night. It is really tough traveling with kids (especially infants), so having that time alone was priceless. We must have a travel bug this summer b/c we have been gone a lot and we have another trip planned next week that will go unmentioned for the time being.
The car ride home was hard - it usually is for some reason. Jacob screamed like someone was inflicting pain upon him, for over an hour NONSTOP! The poor kid just couldnt fall asleep on his own - he was so tired! I have come to the conclusion that he really doesnt like to be away from home. He doenst nap at all when we're gone and just isnt himself. So our next few trips will be interesting. It gets me really anxious and impatient and I dont like that about myself - but it is really hard to stay calm when the screaming is literally blood curdling!
All in all we are having a fabulous summer, despite the heat. The twins turned 6 mo. yesterday - this time it is going by fast! I look forward to them getting older, not being so needy and being able to play with Caleb, but I know I will look back see this "infant" time went by too quickly.
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