Monday, October 27, 2008

98! 98! 98!

I can hear the chanting of the numbers still in my head as all four classes collaborated in the high school gymnasium for the latest pep rally, each class supporting their graduating year. (The chanting of 98! was always the loudest). In high school I was full of school spirit and an insane amount of hormones. My memories are lovely - great friends, cool teachers, fun dances, honor roll, NHS, Softball, Algebra & French class and of course Tyler Mehlhorn. The love of my then life. My home life was another story, so school and friends were surely my positive escape.

Over the weekend, I celebrated my 10 year high school reunion. For some reason I have been looking forward to this night for 10 years. I had a such a great high school experience and couldnt wait for this night to finally arrive. I still keep in touch with a few great friends and we all met up beforehand and went in together. The room was very empty when we first arrived, but quickly began to fill with familiar faces. I checked in and pinned the nametag above on my shorts - too funny! All in all there were about 100 people to show out of a class of 473 - yes I remember the number of graduates. I was proud of myself for making conversation with people I hadnt see in 10 years (although that really isnt a weakness of mine). I only sat down to eat my pre-fab taco meat Mexican dish (barf!) and mingled the rest of the time. Of course, most people huddled around the bar the entire night, but I was able to have some good conversations and laughed at recollections from a decade ago.

While we ate, our class president grabbed a mic and announced that there would be four awards given out: Person who lives the farthest from AZ, Person who has been married the longest, Person with the most children and Person who has changed the least. I won one of the awards, in a tie-breaker. There were several of us with three children, but since I was the blessed one to have twins, I got to take home the cheap, tacky blue ribbon button that is a walking advertisement for Great (I felt proud, though!).

All in all, it was a fun night. I am glad I went. Before the night arrived I resolved not to put anyones cell number in my phone or write down anyones email address. I am not one of those "oh, yeah, we should totally get together - I'll call you" people. The fact is, I am such a busy working wife and mom that I dont have time to even talk to the friends who are currently in my life. For the record, I didnt see much of that happening anyway, so others must feel the same. I will rate my night as an 8 out of 10 and look forward to the 20 year reunion.

1 comment:

Brooksie said...

ummm I totally have my reunion coming up in May and I don't think I really wanna go...maybe you can give me some tips on how to handle it! ha ha ha