Two nights ago I prepared one of my family's favorite meals, chicken croissants. I paired them with some raw veggies and and side of Ranch dressing. As we sat down to eat,
Caleb says: "We need to pray."
Me: "Okay, would you like to pray tonight?"
Caleb: "Yes."
Caleb: "God...thank you for our food. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you that Jesus rose from the cross. Thank you for the Ranch. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Yes, the prayer is adorable (the "thank you that Jesus rose from the cross" part is my favorite), but this prayer was a maturating moment in Caleb's relationship with God. As he began his prayer, my eyes began to fill with tears. I looked up at Brian and he had tears streaming down his face, too. For the first time in his life, Caleb really spoke to God from his heart. Nothing was rehearsed, nothing was silly. It was a real, raw, straight from the heart connection with the God of the universe. Every other time Caleb has prayed at dinner it has been the "God is great, God is good" rendition that he has come to know from preschool.
I am in awe in of God. I am amazed that he reaches out and grabs the hearts of the tiniest souls and draws them to himself. I really wonder at three years old how Caleb perceives God. Does he understand that God is everywhere even though he cant see him? Does he really get that Jesus was the man in flesh that embodied God the father when he was present on earth? Does he comprehend that God loves him more than Brian and I could ever accomplish?
I do know that he has incredible faith and trust. He believes that God is real. He sees Jesus through Brian and I (though faulty) and wants to be like us so much. Thank you, God for Caleb William Peterson and his heart so full of wonder and belief...and thank you for the Ranch.
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