Monday, May 4, 2009

Holy Crap!

Tessa ate her own poop! (no this is NOT the picture of it, just a cute pic of her, thanks, Ginger!). So gross, I know - ahhhh, gag! Picture the most adorable, sweet, giving, loving 15 month old - and picture her diving into her own feces and eating it!!

Thursday night we got all three out of the bath and I let Tessa run off into Caleb's room as we got the other two dressed for bed. She was being quiet and happy, and actually looking back to play peek-a-boo with us, so I thought all was well - and she was just occupying her sweet self. Well the quietness revealed itself a few minutes later as she trampled poop across the living room floor. At first I just thought, oh no, she pooped, let me clean her up. Well, as she approached me, I saw the poop all over her pacifier. The horror that I felt is indescribable!!

I did laugh through cleaning it up though - I remember my nana telling me that my dad ate poop as a kid and one of my friend's daughters did the same at about a year old. I knew she would survive, by all means and I knew she most likely wouldnt even get sick. But, that is just plain gross and a story that we will be re-told for years to come!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but laugh!! OMG, that picture is just so cute though. Tessa is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

You seriously can't even make this stuff up as a mom!! Sure beats the story of Tessa's daddy getting the tinest peach crayon stuck way up his nose!

LOVE the new pictures you guys sent of the kids!

Love & Miss you all!