Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wanna Talk?

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. I have been day-dreaming about how it would be and when it might happen. Well, this morning, November 26th, it happened!

We have the cribs in the twins' room situated across from each other on opposite walls. It is the only way all the furniture would fit into that tiny 10 x11 room anyway. This morning as usual, I heard commotion coming from the nursery with Tessa's voice (cry) resonating the loudest - BIG SURPRISE! :) I walk in to find both babies standing up, holding onto the crib rail, looking and "talking" to each other! It was priceless! Tessa was moaning at Jacob as if to say, "Can you please get me out of here?" And sweet Jacob stood there, smiling through his pacifier at her, probably wondering when she might calm down.

When they both saw me come through the door, Tessa cried louder and Jacob smiled wider. I have very different personalities on my hands. Next time I will grab the camera and post a picture. They are so precious!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awwwww!!!! That is beyond adorable, I can totally picture those two cute little sweeties. Can't wait to see them on Thanksgiving.