Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This afternoon I witnessed something I didnt think any 8 month old could accomplish. My sweet tiny, less than 25 inch long Tessa managed to do the splits! It wasnt just the regular splits, legs in a "V" - I am talking Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader splits! She was sitting on the floor in her preschool class when some interesting toy caught her attention. She went to reach for it and decided to place one leg behind her while keeping the other leg straight. It was magnificent - almost like she was trying to show off for everyone in a gymnastics competition! I was so wishing I had my camera with to all of you reading this, just use your imagination. If I happen to catch her doing it again, I will try to get a picture.

1 comment:

lovemygirls said...

How fun! Too bad you have to wait until she is a little older to sign her up for gymnastics. Maybe she will be the next Shawn Johnson!