Most of you are all aware of Caleb's personality - a dare devil at heart, throwing caution to the wind with no sense of danger or how a simple action he takes could have a detrimental effect on his little life...(I kinda love that about him, though!). But this past Sunday he really scared Mommy and Daddy and we landed ourselves in the E.R.
We were driving over to Auntie B's house on the 101 when Caleb says: "Where did it go?"
Brian: "Where did what go?"
Caleb: "The battery?" (He was holding a toy car that held three of those round batteries, much like you would find in a watch).
Brian: "Caleb, did you open your car and lose the battery?"
Caleb: "Where did it go?"
Brian: "Caleb, where is the battery?"
Caleb: (Just slowly points to his mouth)
Me: (Begin dialing Poison Control)
Brian: "Caleb, did you swallow the battery?"
Caleb: "Yes."
So, we pull over off the freeway and Brian begins to search the car for all three batteries, hoping that Caleb just said he swallowed it - but didnt. Unfortunately, only two of the three batteries are recovered. In the meantime, Poison Control is telling us we need to go to E.R. to get an X-Ray to make sure the battery is going down the right path, and not getting stuck somewhere.

I am kinda just having fun with this now, knowing that he is okay. My first thought was he was going to have some toxic level of battery acid spill inside him and that is why I called poison control - not true. Their main concern is that he passes it. Well, let me just tell you how much fun the last few days of that has been - NOT FUN. But I suppose when you are a parent, you roll up your sleeve, put the plastic glove on your hand and search for the long lost battery that will eventually exit your 2 year old son's body. As of today, Thursday, he has not passed the sucker, so if he doesnt pass it by tomorrow, we will be going back into the E.R. for another X-Ray to "find" it. I guess there are a few spots in the large intestine where foreign objects that should have never entered the body in the first place can get stuck. So, I am really hoping it comes out tonight or tomorrow morning. I think I might resolve to offer him some mineral oil in his chocolate milk today...
Honestly, I am really surprised we didnt end up in the E.R. earlier than this with Caleb - but for sure I thought it would have been for some sort of broken bone. I am thankful he is okay and will write an update after the battery leaves his body in some way, shape or form.